Golden Cycle Mill / Gold Hill Mesa

Golden Cycle Today Golden Cycle MillAs seen from Highway 24, only the smokestack is visible. You may get near the area by visiting the Gold Hill Mesa neighborhood off of 21st street.

Needless to say, don’t trespass.

The Midland Railroad brought their ore down Ute Pass and accessed this site via what is now Busch Avenue.  Can you figure out how the train that ran where the Gold Camp Road entered this site?

There are easily seen remnants of another smelter on 31st Street about a block past Rudy’s BBQ.

Trivia and a teaser:  Busch Avenue is named after the German gentleman of Anheuser Busch fame.  Curious?   Explore the Old Colorado History Museum on the corner of Pikes Peak Avenue and 24th Street.  They will be happy to explain!    They also have a wonderful collection of books on the area.

2 thoughts on “Golden Cycle Mill / Gold Hill Mesa

  1. Thank you for sharing this. My Great Grandfather worked at this mill in 1908 and it may have been while working there in 1915, he got a sliver in his had that became infected and he died from blood poisioning.


  2. I’m not surprised and saddened. The working conditions of that time were unregulated as compared to today.


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